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Europe Tour Part 2

Europe Tour: Onward!

After our time in Barcelona, we drove through Monaco. It was a short visit there, just enough time to take a couple pictures and see the expensive cars! 

The drive in and out of the city was very cool, all the buildings had the same color roof and it highlighted the blue of the city so well! It was tricky to capture the vibrant blue of the water, but I did my best :) 

From Monaco we headed onto the biggest part of our tour; Italy! We went to the leaning tower of Pisa first, we spent about 20 minutes there for pictures. We then headed to our hotel, just outside of Rome. In Rome we visited the center of the Eternal City (including Venetian Square, Capitoline Hill, Forum Romanum, and the Colosseum.), the Pantheon, Fontanna di Trevi, and lastly had a tour at a great gelato shop! 

The last few days of Euro tour were my favorite I think! We got to see the ruins of Pompeii, I was hoping to hear more of the history of the people and the disaster, but it was very interesting to see the places that they lived so long ago. 

On Wednesday, after breakfast, we hopped on the ferry to Capri. I have to say that Capri was my very favorite place on the whole tour. The sun was shining on us as we got off the boat and headed onto the smaller tour boat. The smaller boat took us around the island, allowing us to see all cool caves and the stunning blue water! Once the boat docked we had a couple hours of free time, a group of us decided to have seafood by the seashore! It was a beautiful day for Capri, what I loved more about Capri was the feeling of the island. It was much less touristy than the other places we had been, there was a feeling of a summer vacation in a small town! 

We spent the last two days of the trip in Verona and Venice. Both cities were beautiful. I liked the feeling of Verona a little better, it was less touristy and seemed like a cool place to do an exchange! We had some tasty treats and saw some incredible buildings here. 

I loved spending all that time with my friends and eating all the fancy food, but mostly I feel very lucky to have gotten to see all these amazing places. Ancient and brand new they were all such a learning experience and each one was an eye opener in it's own way. Even though we didn't get enough time to explore each place, I was able to decide what I'd like to go back and see when I get the chance! I have to thank Rotary for giving me that new knowledge! 


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